FF #159: ⭐️ Remembering the True Meaning of Christmas

Welcome to the 150th issue of Flanders Family Freebies, a weekly themed link list of resources designed by me, Jennifer Flanders, in hopes of helping you build a strong, happy, healthy home. Thank you for giving me a place in your inbox! Was this newsletter forwarded to you by a friend? Want your own? Subscribe here.

Tyler, Texas
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Hello Reader,

Where has the time gone today? It's been one thing after another from sun up to sun down. Do you ever have days -- or weeks -- like that, too?

I hope in the midst of all the holiday hubbub, you've found a few moments to connect with family and friends and reflect on the Reason for the season. It can sometimes be a challenge in the hustling, bustling, commercialized version of the holiday the world tries so desperately to foist off on us.

I'm putting up a good fight, though, and doing my best not to succumb to it. That's why I'm devoting this week's link list to a few resources that will help you keep Christ at the forefront of Christmas, where He belongs. I hope your celebrations next week are merry and bright! Thanks for reading!

Free resources for you this week:

What I'm reading this week:

DO MORE BETTER by Tim Challes

In this short, fast-paced book on productivity, Tim Challes offers practical advice for choosing the most important tasks to work on and then doing that work efficiently and to the glory of God. He argues that the driving force behind all our work should be honoring God and serving others.

One secret of being productive is voluntary neglect of things that do not move you toward your goals within the calling God has placed on your life. Don't miss out on doing the things God has specifically gifted and equipped you to do because you keep getting distracted by sometimes good but lesser things vying for your attention.

What we're watching this week:

Doug was on call last night, so my girls and I stayed up late watching Little Women together. Did you know there are (at least) four versions to choose from? My favorite is the 1994 remake with Winona Ryder and Christian Bale. Which is yours?

On the podcast this week:

Loving Life at Home: Episode 23


In this episode, I share all the fun and budget-friendly things our family did in San Antonio last week along with 9 tried-and-true tips for finding similar bargains in your own neck of the woods. Let's hear it for FREE FUN!

Progress on last week's goals:

I had another banner week and marked every last item off my to-do list. I ✅ enjoyed a wonderful week in San Antonio with my family, ✅ finished another Timberdoodle review, ✅ reduced the messages in my inbox by half (though it's still far from empty), ✅ posted this year's Christmas letter on our website, and ✅ came up with what I think is a splendid way to keep my grandkids memorizing scripture (more on that in a future newsletter).

Personal goals for this week:

  • complete six more pages in my Christmas journal
  • reduce my inbox to less than ten messages
  • print out the first of my monthly-scripture-memory-challenges to give my grandkids
  • plan next week's menu
  • enjoy a merry and meaningful Christmas

If you enjoy party games like the ones linked in this week's resources, I have a special gift for you. Follow the link below to download 12 of my most popular Christmas games in a single click. Consider it an early Christmas gift from me to you.

May I ask you to do a favor for me? If you've enjoyed my weekly emails, you can show your appreciation by doing any of the following (pick one):

  1. Forward a copy to a friend with an invitation to subscribe, OR
  2. Follow me on Instagram, OR
  3. Buy one of my books and leave a positive review, OR
  4. Listen to my podcast and leave a positive review (on the platform of your choice).

I'd be ever so grateful! Best wishes for a blessed Christmas. I'll be back next week with more Flanders Family Freebies.

Flanders Family Freebies

A happily married mama of 12, I am passionate about faith & family and love sharing ideas, fun resources, and free printables to help you build a strong, healthy, happy home.

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PHOTO SOURCE: Cottonbro Studio via Pexels Welcome to the 190th issue of Flanders Family Freebies, a weekly themed link list of resources designed by me, Jennifer Flanders, in hopes of helping you build a strong, happy, healthy home. Thank you for giving me a place in your inbox! Was this newsletter forwarded to you by a friend? Want your own? Subscribe here. Tyler, Texas Wednesday, July 24, 2024 Hello Reader, The Summer Olympics kick off in Paris this week. Will you be tuning in to watch? My...

PHOTO SOURCE: Jessica Lewis via Pexels Welcome to the 189th issue of Flanders Family Freebies, a weekly themed link list of resources designed by me, Jennifer Flanders, in hopes of helping you build a strong, happy, healthy home. Thank you for giving me a place in your inbox! Was this newsletter forwarded to you by a friend? Want your own? Subscribe here. Tyler, Texas Wednesday, July 16, 2024 Hello Reader, Our hot water heater went out this week, so we had to go a few days with only cold...

PHOTO SOURCE: Germán TR via Pexels Welcome to the 188th issue of Flanders Family Freebies, a weekly themed link list of resources designed by me, Jennifer Flanders, in hopes of helping you build a strong, happy, healthy home. Thank you for giving me a place in your inbox! Was this newsletter forwarded to you by a friend? Want your own? Subscribe here. Tyler, Texas Wednesday, July 10, 2024 Hello Reader, How's your summer going? Are your kids complaining of boredom yet? Or is it getting too hot...